Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Merry Christmas...

To all our friends and family, we love you and hope you have a wonderful holiday!

Friday, December 04, 2009

Back in the Game...

So it's been awhile... I get it... Needless to say it has been an eventful couple of months. Because it has been so long, what used to be simple "blogging" has turned into a seriously daunting task... there are just too many pictures/stories to "recap" in one, let alone three or four, entries. As a result, I give you the following... my favorite pictures from the last couple of months and even better, a promise to blog more consistently and frequently in the future. Enjoy!

The kids bouncing on my knee during our Mortensen Family Reunion back in September.

Max as "Max" from Where the Wild Things Are... his first halloween...

Reesey on her way to church...

Reese and I at the Zoo celebrating her second birthday... such a big girl...

Matt and the Duke at Yosemite... such a gorgeous backdrop (and the models aren't that bad looking either!)